
About Us

VietnamCoffeeBeans.com is a blog that offers information about Coffee, Coffee Beans, Roasting, Brewing, Coffee Drinks, Coffee Recipes, and more. We aim to educate and inspire coffee lovers, whether they’re beginners or seasoned enthusiasts, by sharing in-depth knowledge and insights about all things coffee.

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  • Local Coffee Roasters Boston 2023

    In a world dominated by mass-produced coffee, there is a growing movement for artisanal, locally roasted beans. Enter the local coffee roasters, the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to bring the perfect cup of coffee to discerning palates. These roasters are dedicated to sourcing the finest beans and crafting unique flavor profiles that simply cannot…

  • Reasons To Choose Pre-Ground Coffee Beans

    As a coffee lover, I take my morning cup of joe seriously. But with busy schedules and limited time in the morning, I often opt for pre-ground coffee beans over whole bean options. There are pros and cons of ground coffee. While some may argue that freshly ground beans are superior, there are several reasons why pre-ground coffee beans…

  • What Is SL28 Coffee?

    As a coffee lover, I’m always looking for varieties that produce top quality beans and have high crop yields. I recently learned about an African Arabica type called SL28 Coffee that seems promising on both fronts. Originally developed in the 1930s at Scott Laboratories in Kenya, SL28 grows tall with distinctive green-tipped leaves. It’s been specially bred to withstand…

  • Arabica Coffee Varieties

    The Coffea arabica species contains thousands of coffee varieties. Each variety has unique properties shaped by its originating region. For example, many arabica varieties trace their origins to places like Yemen, Ethiopia, and Brazil where they were first discovered. These native lands influence the flavor profiles of the coffee beans, described by tasting experiences like aromatic, juicy and…

  • What Is Arusha Coffee

    Arusha is a uniquely flavored coffee grown in the foothills of Mount Meru in Tanzania. With its distinctive taste and ethical production, Arusha coffee has a special story. The smallholder farmers who cultivate Arusha play a major role in the local economy. By purchasing this coffee, consumers support sustainable livelihoods in the community. The production and sale…

  • Local Coffee Roasters NYC 2023

    New York City has an incredibly vibrant coffee culture with hundreds of cafes and local roasters to explore. As both a long-time New York Cỉty resident and avid coffee enthusiast, I’ve spent years discovering the city’s top artisanal coffee. In this guide, I’ll share my list of the absolute local coffee roasters nyc along with what makes…

  • The Full-Bodied Flavor Of Ironclad Coffee Roasters

    Portland is well-known for its bustling coffee scene, and one of its staple roasters is Ironclad Coffee Roasters. Since 2009, Ironclad has been serving up carefully roasted, rich coffee sourced directly from farms around the world. With an emphasis on building relationships with coffee producers and maintaining high standards for sourcing and roasting, Ironclad has become…

  • What Is Typica Coffee?

    Typica coffee is one of the oldest and most widely cultivated coffee varieties. It originated in Ethiopia before being brought to Jamaica in the 18th century by the British. Typica has a distinctive flavor profile with notes of chocolate, caramel, and citrus. However, it has a relatively low yield and susceptibility to diseases. Today, Typica is…

  • The Ultimate Guide To Kaladi Coffee Roasters

    Kaladi Coffee Roasters is known for its high-quality, fresh roasted coffee sourced directly from farmers around the world. As a specialty coffee roaster based in Anchorage, Alaska, Kaladi has become a local favorite thanks to its delicious blends, ethical sourcing practices, and cozy cafes.  Denver is a city that never fails to impress me, especially in…

  • What Is Caturra Coffee?

    Coffee is a part of many people’s daily routine. It can be a morning pick-me-up, an afternoon companion, or an evening indulgence. But what makes coffee so special? The answer is simple: the beans. Different coffee beans have unique characteristics that make them stand out from the rest. Today, I’d like to discuss a type of…

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